That is why we are committed to safe and fair working conditions – for our own employees, as well as for our partners in the supply chain. We have summarized everything important about our responsibility in a Human Rights Policy Statement.
We show commitment to ethical behavior. Potential human rights and environmental risks and violations of human rights or environmental obligations caused by CureVac in its own business or with suppliers can be reported via the CureVac Complaints Procedure. Our complaints system “Speak up” is accessible at any time. Information regarding our due diligence obligations in accordance with the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) can be submitted in writing or by telephone, anonymously and in many languages. We do not tolerate discrimination or punishment for the reporters. You can read more information in our Rules of Procedure for the Complaints Mechanism.
Under the following link you will find our Supplier Code of Conduct.

Report incidents and concerns about compliance or human rights and environmental aspects.